5th Generation Family Farm
Bailey's u-pick garden is part of the 5th generation Bailey family farm on 350 acres in the Snohomish Valley. The garden was started in 1986 with two acres of mixed vegetables. We now offer over 50 acres of vegetables and fruit for picking from June through October. We look forward to seeing returning and new customers every summer and are happy to welcome the community to our farm.
Bailey Compost was started in 1995 and accepts clean yard clippings that is turned into compost through grinding, aerating and screening over months long process. We spread compost on our fields every year to build up the soil, add organic nutrients, and help retain moisture during the dry summer months.
The farm also currently grows field corn and grass for cow feed and pastures Holstein cows.

In the early 1900s, A.M. and Ellen Bailey traveled over from England on their honeymoon and liked it so much, they decided to stay. In 1913, they purchased the first 40 acres of the Bailey farm along the Snohomish River. They raised oxen and feed crops. Their son, Earle Bailey and wife Flossie, started a dairy operation in 1918 and continued to expand the farm. The next generations continued to grow the farm and the dairy was in operation until 1995. Over the years, various crops have been raised on the farm including broccoli, peas, corn and wheat. Now, generations 4 and 5 are working on the farm.